Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Job Interview Guide

                         Job Interview Guide

Everything You Need to Know About Job Interviews

             Are you ready to interview? Once you have been selected for a job interview, it's important to prepare properly. That means practicing interview questions and answers, dressing in appropriate interview attire, and, after the interview, sending thank you letters to your interviewers. 

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Job Interview Guide:



Reference Etiquette Jobs

                                     Reference Etiquette Jobs

  Reference Etiquette Jobs

              I read your recent post on references, and have a question for you about giving prospective employers job references. What is the etiquette if I'm currently employed and actively seeking a new job, but am trying to do it on the DL as not to make it obvious to my current employer that I'm unhappy at the job? Do I give the prospective employer the go-ahead to contact my current employer as a reference, blowing my cover? I don't want to burn any bridges where I am now by having another person contact my boss and ask them about me, especially if I don't get that job.
To see my answer just read more.
              A: Your problem is a common one for job seekers who are performing their search in secret. Ideally, you should be able to draw upon references from previous jobs with whom you've stayed in touch, or former employers that gave you positive reviews — they should have those formal documents on file.
If asking co-workers or supervisors from a previous job isn't an option for you, there are ways to tip-toe around the touchy prospect of getting references from people at your current job. Any co-workers that left your company in the last few years would serve as legitimate references, along with any of your current co-workers who you can trust to be discreet with your situation. You can help in that regard by giving prospective employers information that doesn't list your current co-workers' work phone number or email address. Depending on what industry you're in, outside vendors could be a source of referrals for you as well.
             When compiling your list of people to ask to act as references, think about who could do the best job answering questions about your work style and ethic, give specific examples of your accomplishments, and describe special skills they know you have. The best reference bank is a list that contains people above you, colleagues and co-workers, people you supervise, and if applicable outside sources like vendors. You should be able to generate a thorough list of references without using your current boss, and your prospective employer will still get a well-rounded picture of your experience.
And no matter who the reference, remember to always ask a prospective reference before listing them. Good luck with your job search!
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  Reference Etiquette Jobs:

Reference Etiquette Interview

                 Reference Etiquette Interview

Reference Etiquette Interview

Manners, Meals and Interviews

          Interviews are often stressful - even for job seekers who have interviewed many times. Interviewing can be even more stressful when you are expected to eat and talk at the same time. One of the reasons employers take job candidates out to lunch or dinner is to evaluate their social skills and to see if they can handle themselves gracefully under pressure.

Dining with a prospective employee allows employers to review your communication and interpersonal skills, as well as your table manners, in a more relaxed (for them) environment. Table manners do matter. Good manners may give you the edge over another candidate, so, take some time to brush up your dining etiquette skills.
Interview Dining Tips:
  • Are you really nervous? Check out the restaurant ahead of time. That way you'll know exactly what's on the menu, what you might want to order and where the rest rooms are located.
  • Be polite. Remember to say "please" and "thank you" to your server as well as to your host.
  • Is the table full of utensils? My British grandmother taught me an easy way to remember what to use when. Start at the outside and work your way in. Your salad fork will be on the far left, your entree fork will be next to it. Your dessert spoon and fork will be above your plate.
  • Liquids are on the right, solids on the left. For example, your water glass will be on the right and your bread plate will be on the left.
  • Put your napkin on your lap once everyone is seated.
  • Remember what your mother spent years telling you - keep your elbows off the table, sit up straight, and don't talk with your mouth full!
During the Meal:
  • Don't order messy food - pasta with lots of sauce, chicken with bones, ribs, big sandwiches, and whole lobsters are all dangerous.
  • Don't order the most expensive entree on the menu.
  • Do order food that is easy to cut into bite-size pieces.
  • The polite way to eat soup is to spoon it away from you. There's less chance of spilling in your lap that way too!
  • Break your dinner roll into small pieces and eat it a piece at a time.
  • If you need to leave the table, put your napkin on the seat or the arm of your chair.
  • When you've finished eating, move your knife and fork to the "four o'clock" position so the server knows you're done.
  • Remember to try and relax, listen, and participate in the conversation.
To Drink or Not to Drink:
  • It's wise not to drink alcohol during an interview. Interviewing is tough enough without adding alcohol to the mix.
After the Meal:
  • Put your napkin on the table next to your plate.
  • Let the prospective employer pick up the tab. The person who invited you will expect to pay both the bill and the tip.
  • Remember to say "thank you." Consider also following-up with a thank you note which reiterates your interest in the job.

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  Reference Etiquette Interview:

Homosexuality in the Bible

                                              Homosexuality in the Bible


Homosexuality in the Bible

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. -- Leviticus 18:22

  1. "And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him."
    What did Ham do? Did he just look at his naked father or was there something more to it than that? Some commentators have suggested that Ham committed homosexual rape on his drunken father, and that this was why Ham's descendants were eternally punished with slavery. 9:24
  2. This verse doesn't say what the Sodomites did to make them such exceedingly great sinners, though most bible believers equate "Sodomite" with homosexual. (But see Ezekiel 16:49, which claims the sins of Sodom were pride, gluttony, sloth, greed, and failure to help the poor.) 13:13
  3. The two angels that visit Lot wash their feet, eat, and are sexually irresistible to Sodomites. 19:1-5
  4. God kills everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah. 19:4-5, 24-25
  5. What did Sarah see? 21:9
  6. Homosexual acts are an abomination to God. 18:22
  7. If a man has sex with another man, kill them both. 20:13
  8. "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." 22:5
  9. God says not be bring any whore, sodomite, or dog into the house of the Lord. For "these things are an abomination to the Lord." Sodomites and dogs are biblical names for homosexuals. 23:17-18
    1 Samuel
  10. Saul is angered by his son's homosexual affair with David and says, "do not I know that thou has chosen the son of Jesse to thine own confusion of thy mother's nakedness?" 20:30
  11. Saul sets an example for Christian parents that discover that they have a homosexual child: try to kill the child and his or her lover. 20:31-33
    1 Kings
  12. "There were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations...."
    God shows his homophobia by calling gay people "sodomites" and their sexual relations "abominations." 14:24
  13. Asa "did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD" by expelling homosexuals (or "sodomites", as the good book calls them). 15:12
  14. Jehoshaphat "did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord" and "took" the homosexuals (sodomites) "out of the land," or as the RSV says, "he exterminated" them. 22:43, 46 2 Kings
  15. Josiah, with God's approval, broke down the houses of the sodomites. 23:7
  16. "They declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul!"
    The biblical god just doesn't seem to care much for homosexuals. And he gets especially upset when "they hide it not." 3:9
  17. "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all."
    Some Christians think this refers to the antichrist. (He'll be an atheist homosexual.) 11:37
  18. With his usual intolerance, Paul condemns homosexuals (including lesbians). This is the only clear reference to lesbians in the Bible. 1:26-28
  19. Homosexuals (those "without natural affection") and their supporters (those "that have pleasure in them") are "worthy of death." 1:31-32 1 Corinthians
  20. Paul lists ten things that will keep you out of heaven, including homosexuality and being "effeminate." 6:9-10
    1 Timothy
  21. Homosexuals (those "that defile themselves with mankind") are included on the list of lawless, disobedient, unholy, and profane people. 1:10 2 Timothy
  22. Iin the last days people will become evil, "without natural affection." Fundamentalist say that this refers to homosexuals. 3:3
  23. God sent "eternal fire" on the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for "going after strange flesh." 7-8 Revelation
  24. "Dogs [homosexuals?], sorcerers, whoremongers, idolaters" and along with anyone who ever told a lie will not enter the heavenly city. 22:15

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Homosexuality in the Bible:

Reference gay people bible

                                                  Reference gay people bible

Reference gay people bible

                 The Bible references homosexuality several times, but the extent to which it discusses homosexuality and whether it condemns it have been variously interpreted. Passages like one in Leviticus prohibiting "lying with mankind as with womankind" and like the story of Sodom and Gomorrah have been popularly interpreted as condemning homosexuality, as have several Pauline passages. Scholarly debate over the interpretation of these passages has focused on placing them in proper historical context, for instance pointing out that Sodom's sins are historically interpreted as being other than homosexuality, and on the translation of rare or unusual words in the passages in question. Both the Jewish Bible and the New Testament also contain passages some have interpreted as describing same-sex relationships, for example David and Jonathan or the centurion and his servant; these are likewise the subject of scholarly debate, with most arguing that the relationships depicted are platonic.

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 Reference gay people bible:

Reference Gay blade

                                                      Reference Gay blade


Reference Gay blade

Zorro, The Gay Blade

             The film opens in a villa in Madrid, Spain, where Diego, the archetypical Spanish Don Juan, is in bed with a beautiful woman – who, we learn shortly, is not his wife, but someone else's. The couple are caught by her husband, Garcia, who "is not in Barcelona", as they previously thought. Diego, with considerable panache, fights Garcia and his five brothers with swords. During the fight, Diego's mute servant Paco (Played by Donovan Scott) reads a letter (via gestures) from Diego's father requesting that Diego return to California. Diego and Paco escape by jumping from a high wall directly into a waiting carriage.
Diego and Paco arrive in Los Angeles, where they are met by Diego's childhood friend Esteban (Ron Leibman), who has become Capitán of the local guard. We also learn that Esteban has married Florinda (Brenda Vaccaro), for whom the men competed when they were boys.
Esteban delivers the sad news that Diego's father was killed in a riding accident, when his horse was frightened by a turtle. Esteban is acting Alcalde in the senior de la Vega's stead until a new one can be chosen by the Dons (landowners) of the area.
At the meeting of the Dons, each introduces himself and where he resides. Each Don's surname is that of a well-known city in California, but none of the surnames and place names match, with amusing results:
                Esteban is elected Alcalde via an obviously fixed election, and gives his inaugural speech to the assembled peasants in the village plaza. He is interrupted mid-speech by Charlotte Taylor-Wilson, a wealthy political activist from Boston. She and Diego meet, and despite their political differences, there is an immediate attraction.
Relaxing at the de la Vega villa, Diego receives an invitation to a masked ball to celebrate Esteban's election. He is also given his inheritance, which turns out to be Zorro's cape, hat and sword. A note from his father tells Diego the truth: his father was Zorro. Diego decides that it is the perfect costume for the ball.
On the way to the ball, Diego witnesses a peasant being robbed by a criminal. Giving chase, Diego confronts and defeats the highwayman, and returns the money to the peasant, instructing him to spread the news that El Zorro has returned.
              At the ball, Diego (under cover of anonymity) dances with Florinda while the old peasant informs the people outside that Zorro has indeed returned. At the same time, we learn that the robber was in fact Velasquez, the area's tax collector, who reports the theft to Alcalde Esteban – and points out Diego. A duel ensues, and Diego escapes by again jumping from a high wall, but injures his right foot in the process. Unable to walk without a noticeable limp, he hobbles away. Esteban and Velasquez plan to use the injury to track Zorro down.
              Later that night, a drunk Florinda attempts to seduce Diego in his bedroom, but Esteban arrives to speak about the events of the evening. Esteban begins to suspect that Diego is Zorro, but Diego is able to convince him that his foot is not injured. Esteban leaves, satisfied.
A reign of terror begins, including wholesale torture and increased taxation. Diego is frustrated that, because of his injury, he cannot fulfill his destiny as Zorro. Enter Diego's decidedly gay twin brother Ramon, who joined the Royal Navy and adopted the pseudonym Bunny Wigglesworth. Diego brings Bunny up to date on what has been happening, and Bunny agrees to stand in as Zorro – using a whip instead of a sword, and with gaily colorful costumes.
              Zorro continues to elude capture, much to the anger of Esteban and the Dons. Esteban hatches a plan to lure Zorro to the Alcalde's residence by throwing another ball to show off Florinda's expensive new necklace. Seeing through the plan, Diego arrives, dressed as Zorro – and so do the rest of the Dons and male party guests, telling Esteban that a mysterious servant instructed them to dress as Zorro. Adding to the confusion, Bunny appears in drag, masquerading as 'Margarita' Wigglesworth, Diego's cousin from Santa Barbara. Esteban is smitten and calls her 'Wiggy'. Bunny succeeds in spilling a drink on Florinda, and in the resulting attempts to clean her dress, makes off with the necklace. Bunny then returns to the Royal Navy, informing Diego that Charlotte Taylor-Wilson is in love with Zorro.
             Diego and Charlotte confess their love for each other at the plaza, but they are seen by an operative of Esteban's. Esteban has her arrested and sentenced to death to again lure Zorro to capture. At the last moment, Diego surrenders to Esteban in order to save Charlotte. Zorro is immediately sentenced to death.
Seconds before Diego is to be shot, Bunny returns to free his brother, and with Charlotte's aid they finally incite the peasants to rebellion. Esteban's own guards rebel as well, and at the end even Florinda turns against her husband. Esteban is defeated, and Diego and Charlotte ride off, planning their wedding.

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Consumer price index

                        Consumer price index

Consumer price index

               A consumer price index (CPI) measures changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households. The CPI in the United States is defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as "a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services."Similarly, Central Statistical Organisation of India is responsible for CPI publication in India.
               The CPI is a statistical estimate constructed using the prices of a sample of representative items whose prices are collected periodically. Sub-indexes and sub-sub-indexes are computed for different categories and sub-categories of goods and services, being combined to produce the overall index with weights reflecting their shares in the total of the consumer expenditures covered by the index. It is one of several price indices calculated by most national statistical agencies. The annual percentage change in a CPI is used as a measure of inflation. A CPI can be used to index (i.e., adjust for the effect of inflation) the real value of wages, salaries, pensions, for regulating prices and for deflating monetary magnitudes to show changes in real values. In most countries, the CPI is, along with the population census and the USA National Income and Product Accounts, one of the most closely watched national economic statistics.

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