Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

How to Write a Profile on a Resume

                                                   How to Write a Profile on a Resume


How to Write a Profile on a Resume

It is important to write a profile on a resume that highlights your previous job experience and skills.

A profile is a short paragraph at the beginning of the resume. If done well, it summarizes your whole resume in just a few dozen words. In the current economic recession, it is especially important to put your strongest point in an easy to read resume profile.

Read the steps below to find out how to write a profile on a resume that will bring out your best qualifications.


Things You'll Need

  • Computer with internet connection
  • Word processing program
    • 1
      ** Research similar jobs **
      Before you start to write a profile on a resume, you should look up job sites and do a bit of research. Do a search online for jobs similar to the type of jobs you are looking for. Take a look at a few of the job offers and note the types of skills and experience the jobs require. Use this as a guide to help you focus in your resume profile.
    • 2
      ** Create a list of your best resume points **
      Make a list of key points you want to include when you write your resume profile.
      You should list:
      - Key previous accomplishments and achievements
      - Key skills
      - Key personality traits
      Remember to keep a focus on the type of job you are looking for.
    • 3
      ** Create a job title that blends it all together **
      Start off writing your resume profile with a job function that sums up your skills and experience.
      Examples include:
      "Accomplished marketing manager"
      "Experienced project manager"
      "Organized office manager"
      If you've held a variety of positions, this might take some time. Look up job search sites if you need to find ideas for job titles that sum up all your major achievements.
    • 4
      ** Compact your list of skills, accomplishments & personality traits**
      Break down your list you created in step 2 into groups. Cross out duplicates. Remove ones that sound too common or that are not necessary for the job title you listed in step 3.
    • 5
      ** List your best points first **
      Write your key skills and accomplishments that make you stand out the most at the top.
    • 6
      ** Tie skills and achievements together **
      Group skills and achievements into common themes. Remember that every word counts, so you don't want to waste space repeating similar ideas. Use accomplishments as proof to the skills you say you have.
    • 7
      ** List details **
      If you have specific skills or accomplishments that really stand out, list these in detail. For example, "raised $500,000 in charity" or "increased revenue by 60%".
    • 8
      ** Include many action verbs **
      Include as many action verbs as possible without making the resume profile unreadable. Make sure your resume profile is powerful but still clear.
    • 9
      ** Edit, edit and edit again **
      Edit the resume profile a few times to make sure it truly brings out your best points. If possible, write the resume profile and leave it overnight. Take a look the next day and see what you think. You might have a different impression after taking a break. It is also important to have someone else read your resume profile to get an unbiased opinion.

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      How to Write a Profile on a Resume

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